Thursday, October 25, 2007

Film Study

What is a prejudice?
A prejudice is a negative, biased thought or opinion which can largely affect the way you react to a situation. A prejudice is a negative thought which you have of someone or something. A prejudice is a stereotype you give to someone or a group of people. All of these are examples of a prejudice.
When someone has a prejudice against someone then they dislike them. Often, the person they hate has done nothing wrong and has not offended them. If you see somebody and you don’t like them at first sight, you will probably not like them forever simply because of that first time you met. You will always think less of them and will not give them credit where it is due. This is a prejudice because it is a biased opinion of someone who you dislike.
At the dinner table each night, if your parents are always making racist comments about other nationalities like “Asians can’t drive” or “They should all go back to where they came from” then it will probably automatically have an influence on you. The next time you see an Asian you will think, not about the person themselves, but about the fact that they can’t drive.
Disabled people are unfortunate enough to be the way they are. They don’t need extra criticism which they get from the public. There is a prejudice in almost all people’s minds which makes them automatically avoid or make fun of disabled people. If someone is mentally disabled but does not look different in any way, they are often accepted at first sight. It is only when you approach them and speak to them that you realise that they are disabled. Why is it that after this moment, no-one accepts them anymore? They should be treated as normal people who ever they are.

Those who make fun of, and tease others about the way they look, talk, walk or think are really not confident in themselves. If I call someone ‘ugly’ then it is not really them who is ugly, it is simply me not being confident in my appearance. It is for this reason that it is essential to be perfectly happy with who you are. It is also important that to know that humour is only humour if everyone finds it funny.

It is not funny if something makes you laugh at somebody else’s expense. If you litter and to make someone laugh, it is not funny because it is at the cleaners expense. They are the ones who have t clean up the rubbish which you dropped.

A prejudice is a bad thing which can change major decisions you make in your life. The only one who can get rid of a prejudice is you. Only then will you be a full and complete person.

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