Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My English poems

Dylan Thomas Portrait
Title: Starving

Have you ever heard your stomach growling out for food?
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, gurgle-gurgle, starting World War 3.
By Matthew Chau 7.1
Words: 17 words.

Title: Unwise choices

There once was a boy from Tibet,
Who ate all the food he could get,
He thought it all through,
And without further ado,
He decided he’d change to cigarettes.
Words: 30 words

Title: Lollypops
Sweet, colourful,
Sucking, biting, crunching,
Tires out the jaw,
Words: 11 words

Acrostic poem
Title: Steak
Edible goodness
King’s favourite food
Words: 8 words

Title: Jam doughnuts

The delicious smell,
Of freshly baked jam doughnuts,
Fills my hearts desire.
Words: 12 words

Descriptive poem
Title: Hungry stomach (Final copy)

Your ferocious grumbling stomach,
Is a leopard prowling for a meal,
Searching, waiting, to pounce on its food,
It sees its prey, it starts to eat,
It’s a machine, it never ceases,
Until it’s fulfilled its daily needs,
It goes to sleep and waits.....
Words: 44 words

Sonnet (English Shakespearean)
Title: Fantastic Foods for Feasting

First on the menu we have the curry,
Fresh from the pots it will burn through your tongue,
Make sure you don’t eat it in a hurry,
“I WARNED YOU” it will put holes in your lung.

After the awesome hot and spicy dish,
A soup would be great to deal with the heat,
It is orange and thick, hungers first wish,
For all, pumpkin soup would be quite a treat.

Finally, we have strawberry ice-cream,
If you want to be bad, go all the way,
Cover it in chocolate, make a nice stream,
“It’s made with real strawberries” you can say.

These few foods may be the best for a feast,
But don’t stuff your face, you’ll become a beast.

By Matthew Chau 7.1

Free Verse
Title: My Strange Brother
I love my meat all red and bloody,
Soft and chewy, juicy steak. YUM!
My favourite of all is a mouth-watering roast lamb,
I could eat it for hours and hours on end.

However, my brother is different you see,
He’s the healthiest boy on the planet you’ll find,
‘The Lean Green Eating Machine’ some call him,
Even doctors simply say “You’re son is very . . . . . weird”.

You can look on this earth but I don’t think you’ll find,
A boy who’s quite as peculiar as mine,
Not many 15 year olds, still eat their veggies,
Yet my brother eats raw broccoli for lunch!

There’s no doubt at all, that my brother follows my mum,
She also loves, to eat her greens,
Although mum doesn’t eat them raw,
She’ll eat them for breakfast, lunch and tea.

Now I know that my brother sounds strange,
Maybe even crazy,
But he’s my younger brother,
And I love him rightly so.
By Matthew Chau 7.1

Title: In need

Have you ever seen that poor boy on the corner?
Who begs to passers by for food and money?
Or have you ever seen the homeless little girl?
Who looks haunted even though the day is sunny?

These are the ones who need our help,
This cruelty must be changed,
Nobody cares about these children,
Help must be arranged.

When last I saw that poor boy, he was sulking to himself,
As the fierce wind howled in rage, and the harsh rain stung his face,
The moment that he saw me, his face split wide with glee,
For he knows me well and knows that I don’t think he’s a disgrace.

The young girl seemed so close to death when I first met her,
Since then every time I see her, there seems to be a glint of hope in her eyes,
She is optimistic and will find a way through poverty,
But she seems to be becoming weaker and she will not last for long.

I haven’t seen that poor boy lately nor the homeless girl,
I wonder what has happened to them I wish them all the best,
For it would be a shame, to lose another life,
In this unforgiving universe, which puts us to the test.
By Matthew Chau 7.1

1 comment:

Jo Goddard said...

Lovely writing Michael. I am very impressed with these poems - you have put in a good effort! I am looking forward to reading your longer poems! Keep up the good work.